"I discovered the world is hungry for women who show up and tell the truth,
unafraid and free, expanding to the very edges of who they were always meant to be.
It's that woman who brings her gifts to bear on this earth, who takes ownership of
her precious wiring and encourages her sisters to do likewise.
That woman refuses to contort to a template, but rather
occupies her own life as the recipient of God's unending favor, not a beggar at His door.
This kind of woman also wants this freedom for everyone else.
I cannot overstate this important correlation and how necessary it is right now.
She craves a genuine world, a more honest and sincere community,
relationships based in truth-telling, to be refreshing to a parched world.
She is not afraid of herself so she is unafraid of others.
She is fierce, she is free, she is full of fire."
- Jen Hatmaker Fierce, Free and Full of Fire
unafraid and free, expanding to the very edges of who they were always meant to be.
It's that woman who brings her gifts to bear on this earth, who takes ownership of
her precious wiring and encourages her sisters to do likewise.
That woman refuses to contort to a template, but rather
occupies her own life as the recipient of God's unending favor, not a beggar at His door.
This kind of woman also wants this freedom for everyone else.
I cannot overstate this important correlation and how necessary it is right now.
She craves a genuine world, a more honest and sincere community,
relationships based in truth-telling, to be refreshing to a parched world.
She is not afraid of herself so she is unafraid of others.
She is fierce, she is free, she is full of fire."
- Jen Hatmaker Fierce, Free and Full of Fire